Friday, December 10, 2010

J Penguin

WOOOOOOT! Today when I finished penguin ed I went and saw the J penguins perform live. It was pretty cool and then after something happened but I'm not allowed to say.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


So as some of you might have noticed I haven't posted a new blog in awhile. So, the reason I haven't posted in awhile was cause of my internet. I'm sure if you ask anyone about the internet in Antarctica they'll tell you it's terrible. Although one of my friends is upgrading their internet soon so fingers crossed I'll be allowed to use it. :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Zombie Role Playing

Lately me and one of my penguin friends have been playing Zombies. It's pretty fun. We pretend to be soldiers and there's abunch of zombies coming from everywhere and we have to survive. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Penguin trouble

Remember that gay penguin that tried to make a move on me last time? No? Well scroll down and read that post first.

Moving he tried to rape me. By rape I mean I'm just walking minding my own buisness and he comes from behind and grabs me. Then he starts jumping on me and I felt violated.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Need more sporty penguins..

So the group of penguins I come from is mostly nerds and lazy people and it annoys me when I want to play iceball. I have to waddle for ages to find some penguins who aren't nerds. Like today my penguin friend just wanted to sit on an iceberg and watch the sea. So if you're a sporty penguin and likes iceball contact me and lets play.

How I met a penguin

It was a day like any other. You know the usual. Then a penguin comes up to me and introduces herself and
then left. Later I found her and my friend took a photo (you can find it in my other post). Hm..something else
happened tody that I thought was pretty rare. Well for starters a mother seal spoke to me and asked me questions about the penguin community.

PS: Don't worry fellow penguins of Antarctica I didn't reveal any of our secrets to the seal. :)

Pro Skills

So today I was making out with this girl penguin and my friend took a photo so here it is.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cool story

So today I was playing some ice ball with my penguin friends and then I found this cool as story carved into ice. It was about beavers and here it is:

Day one
"Hey Leon this way!" yelled Maggy the Beaver. It was a sunny day with a nice breeze that
rustled the leaves on the trees. "Geez are we nearly done?" asked Leon.
"I wish." replied Maggy "We still have the whole west side to block." said Maggy with a sigh.
"One of these days Maggy I'll be the king and won't do work anymore." proclaimed Leon.
The day soon drew to an end and the chill of night came. For other animals this may have been
a problem but the beavers were no ordinary animal. You see these beavers had a fur coat
thicker than the blankets of snow on the north pole. It was ebony and kept them warm even
during the winter solistice.

Day Two
"Leon Sir Beaver this is the fith time you've been late to class!" exclaimed Miss Beaver.
"But Miss I had to help Maggy make the dam." replied Leon.
"You could have been exterminating the Termites for all I care. You know the rules Leon,
you'll need to stay back after school."
"But but"
"No buts Leon we've wasted enough time as it is."
Ding Dong. The class was over and as all the other beavers rushed out like bulls Leon had to
stay back. "After five minutes you may leave Leon." said Miss Beaver.
As Leon waited he fiddled with his pencils and pens. The five minutes felt like an eternity
but alas all things must come to an end. Leon proceeded to leave but saw something shiny
on the ground. He bent down and picked it up and to his amazement it was a silver coin. He couldn't believe his luck an actual silver coin. Then he realized he had to help Maggy with the dam.

I wish whoever wrote it finished it though.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I got slapped

Me and my penguin friend started off watching the fish swim. Then I slapped him cause he tryed to make a move on me. Im like "NO IM NOT GAY!" then he slapped me on my face. After that we went back to watching the fish with abit more distance between us.

Mean Friend

We started off alright but then my penguin friend starts calling me names and tells me to go away. So then I get sad and draw on his flipper. Then he drew on my arm and I felt dirty. After I went to go fishing it was all right and then I got my revenge by saying I'll give him a fish but I didn't. Now we are ok and are just chillin in my iceberg.

Seal stole my food

I was just cruisin through the ocean catching fish. Then I got out and sat on the ice and outa nowhere this seal comes up and just steals my fish. I'm like WTH and he just looks at me and slides off. Then me and my gangsta penguins went to go get my fish back but we couldn't find him so we went back home.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm sad

So today I was playing with my penguin friends and then one of the penguins slapped me. :( After that my gangster penguins didn't think I was tank anymore so, I had to go crazy on that penguin. Oh well I still have my
vacation to look forward to.